The Nikon P900 works on the conditions depending on what you plan to accomplish. It can handle tasks that the most popular camera bodies can’t. But, purchasing a high-end camera and then not being able to utilize it at its best can be very frustrating.

In this article, you will get the best tips and hidden tricks that you can use to get the best video and audio quality.

tips To Use  Nikon P900 For Better Image Quality And Photography

However, because the P900 is such a unique camera compared to what most of us are used to, the most important recommendation is to get out there and use it; nothing beats first-hand experience.

Now let’s get started with the best tips and tricks for the Nikon P900:

1. Get Compatible Stabilizer

Get Compatible Stabilizer

The Nikon P900 is a unique camera setup. Many standard tripods do not work with this size and weight camera, especially when using the camera at its maximum zoom.

Many tripods are suited for smaller camera setups but struggle with the Nikon P900 can tilt due to the camera’s higher weight and top-heavy nature, especially when zoomed in.

We have researched that many P900 owners tried their luck with more appropriate tripods and more fitting heads, but they are either pricey or do not even solve the problem of tripod tilting. Thankfully, there is one option that is best for the Nikon P900. The Telephoto Lens Support can be found for a reasonable price these days, and professional photographers believe that they are an almost mandatory camera attachment for cameras like the P900.

You can offset the center of gravity when mounting your P900 to your current tripod. You can alter the support fast and easily in seconds, so if you need to zoom in or out while practicing Astrophotography, you can rapidly tweak the support to ensure that the camera payload is offset correctly. It’s usually a lot less expensive than buying a new tripod or head, yet it can give you the outstanding image stabilization you need for such a powerful camera.

The Manfrotto 293 support is another option with an excellent reputation in photography and works well with the Nikon p900 camera. Manfrotto 293 is simple to set up and effective when in use.

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2. Invest In Good Lens Protector

Invest In Good Lens Protector
Gobe UV Lens Filter

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Having a proper camera lens protector is very important as you cannot ignore the possibility of the camera falling from your hand.

Any damage to the lens on a camera like the Nikon p900 might result in a hefty repair bill, depending on the extent of the damage. Fortunately, Nikon equipped the lens of the p900 with a 67mm lens filter thread, allowing you to quickly, conveniently, and affordably add some extra protection to your p900 lens in the shape of a quality UV filter.

Although any 67mm UV lens filter will fit on your P900 and provide some protection, we always recommend selecting a filter that uses German Schott glass that is optimally stacked to provide the greatest possible protection for your lens element.

We recommend the Gobe 3 peak UV filter series because it employs sixteen-layer German Schott glass and offers some of the greatest protection at a fraction of the cost of other well-known filter manufacturers like Hoya and Tiffin. A Gobe 67mm 3 peak UV filter should cost roughly $30-$40 depending on the merchant, but it could help you save hundreds of dollars in the long run.

3. Get a Compatible Wireless Remote Control

Get a Compatible Wireless Remote Control
Foto&Tech FTML-L3 Wireless Remote Control

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An inexpensive Foto&Tech FTML-L3 Wireless Remote Control that is compatible with your Nikon p900 is another excellent suggestion for increasing the image quality of your Nikon p900 night shots.

A full-featured intervalometer would be preferable to a standard wireless remote control unit for your camera, but unfortunately, there is no intervalometer compatible with Nikon P900 available on the market. Therefore, we believe that Foto&Tech FTML-L3 Wireless Remote Control is the best alternative.

The wireless remote control makes night photography easier since it eliminates the need to touch your camera. When employing higher optical zoom capabilities, even the tiniest shift in camera location might have severe consequences for your image.

Using a basic wireless remote allows you to stabilise your image from your tripod while removing the risk of your camera being knocked out.

4. Set Your Preferences Manually

Set Your Preferences Manually

Adjusting the settings on your P900 may be a quick and easy way to guarantee that you obtain the finest image quality possible.

We recommend starting with the configuration below as a basic template and adjusting as needed.

Image Quality:


Image Size:

16 Megabytes (4608 x 3456)

Picture Control:

SD (Standard)

Active D-Lighting:


Zoom Memory:


White Balance:

Auto1 (Auto normal)


Continuous H (high-speed burst)

ISO Sensitivity:

ISO Fixed Range Auto (100-400 outdoors) or (100-800 indoors)

Autofocus Mode:

AF-F (full time)

Noise Reduction Filter:


Startup Zoom Position:


Vibration Reduction:


AF Assist:


5. F Stops Should Be Adjusted Manually

F Stops Should Be Adjusted Manually

Again, this will depend on the settings in which you use your Nikon p900 as well as the niche in which you operate, but manually adjusting your F stops on the p900 is another essential step that is sometimes forgotten.

As you work your way up the zoom range of the p900, learning to adjust your F stops as needed quickly will enhance the image quality you can capture when using the camera with ease.

Although this is one of the more challenging tips and techniques on our list, it is a skill worth acquiring as soon as possible, especially if you also monitor a speedy subject freehand. The following settings are the primary recommended F stops for the Nikon p900.

You will need to change them to match your needs and the circumstances in your location.


f2.8 / f8


f4 / f8


f4.5 / f8


f6.5 / f8

You can generally spend considerable time in your backyard tracking local birds and practicing the method of changing F stops if necessary. Don’t be discouraged if you find it tough at first; everyone does. However, it is highly worth working on, especially if you use your p900 to picture birds or animals.

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6. Set Your Vibration Reduction Manually

Set Your Vibration Reduction Manually

While Nikon’s vibration reduction feature is excellent, it might have limitations when it comes to capturing clean, sharp shots with your p900. Although this may appear to be a simple setting to adjust based on the scenario, We encounter a lot of individuals who keep their vibration reduction on all of the time, which we believe is a mistake.

If you’re shooting freehand with your Nikon p900, switch on the vibration reduction technology immediately after you mount it to a tripod, monopod, or gimbal.

Related: The Best DSLR Gimbals | Why Do You Need a Camera Stabilizer & Gimbals for Smooth Video Footage?

While your tripod should provide all of the image stabilization, you need to minimize vibration. Nikon’s vibration reduction technology may attempt to correct vibrations that aren’t there, potentially compromising your image quality for a few seconds.

The vibration reduction feature is easy to find in your p900 camera settings, and you can switch it on or off as needed in seconds. It may assist you in enhancing the image quality you will take using the camera.

7. Try Different Shutter Speeds

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for your camera settings, just as there is no one-size-fits-all solution for most things in modern photography. We’ve lost count of the number of entry-level photographers who use the same shutter speeds no matter what they’re shooting.

We strongly advise you to experiment with different shutter speeds for different jobs with your p900. The difference in image quality that something as easy as altering a single setting can create for you is actually astounding.

The Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P900 by Alexander S. White offers some fantastic advice on making easy tweaks like this to get the best image quality possible from your p900. It’s really worth picking up, and you can read a slew of third-party, independent reviews of the book to show how highly the Nikon p900 community thinks of it.

photographer guide to nikon p900
The Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P900 by Alexander S. White

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8. Work on your Freehand Technique

Even with a conventional telephoto zoom lens, good technique is required, let alone with a camera like the P900.

Many users rush to hold P900 and take pictures without developing proper techniques. These habits and techniques can be tough to break once they are developed. Practice the solid aiming technique with your P900, especially if you plan to use it in a niche where you will be doing a lot of handheld photography. It is one of the quickest strategies to assist you in enhancing your image quality.

Patience will be required, as each photographer has their own method of building up the optimal posture for their body type and height.

Some crucial elements to consider include working on your breathing control, experimenting with capturing the shot after inhaling and exhaling, and finally, slowly activating the shutter release with a roll technique rather than a pressing motion.

Spending some time experimenting with different variations of the tips mentioned above can really help you improve the quality of the photos you can take with your P900 in a short amount of time.

9. Use the Autofocus Feature

Use the Autofocus Feature

The autofocus feature in Nikon P900 can be activated from the downward multi-selector. There are several focus modes available with this choice. Select autofocus and modify your settings.

When the distance between the subject and the lens is more than 50 cm (1ft. 8in. ), the autofocus feature should be used. You’ll be zoomed in 5.0 meters at the highest telephoto zoom position (16ft. 5in.).

When the autofocus feature is set to infinity, it only works for one autofocus setting. This means you will have to work with the camera to keep your object focused constantly, but the end result will be sharper than manual focus.

Additionally, you can alter the AF area mode if you’re capturing anything on a large scale, such as the sky. You can choose between single AF and full-time AF for movie recordings. You can use single autofocus if your item is fixed or barely moving. The full-time AF might be better if you photograph a comet, a rocket, or the International Space Station.

However, in some cases, the autofocus may not work correctly. The Nikon P900 will not detect an object if it is too dark or barely visible. In the same way, if you’re shooting a bright object against a bright sky, the autofocus will struggle to find it. Simply ensure that the lighting clearly reflects your object and that your camera is situated steadily to get clear photos.

10. Test Single Shot And Burst

Test Single Shot And Burst

Photographers tend to accept that using a single-shot or burst shot is optimal for the situation, but you should really test this out because you might find that your photographs improve when you use a different shooting mode.

According to many photographers in niches where a burst shot is regarded as the better option, switching over to a single shot can improve image quality.

The best thing about this camera is that you can quickly switch between single-shot and burst-shot modes to determine what is optimal for you and the image quality you prefer.



We have covered the tips for better image quality and photography. All these methods are supposed to improve your photography experience. With the tips mentioned above and tricks, you can get the most out of the Nikon P900. Professional photographers and filmmakers use these techniques. If you carefully learn and apply them, you can take your photography skills to another level.

photographer guide to nikon p900

The Photographer’s Guide to the Nikon Coolpix P900 by Alexander S. White