Smart driving cameras are critical for modern vehicle safety since they provide data that is used to prevent accidents, monitor your behavior, and improve road safety. 

When we discuss disabling the smart drive camera, the events that occur while a smart drive camera captures driving are similar to dash-cams used in cars and other vehicles such as trucks, albeit not all of them include capabilities such as GPS and G Sensor.

The camera can see what is ahead because it is located behind the rearview mirror of the vehicle in front of you. 

The cameras are designed to activate as soon as your vehicle begins. They will switch off if no activity is detected for another 15 minutes.

Even when you are not driving, the camera is recording. This tool is designed to keep track of anything that happens while you are away from your vehicles, such as an accident, theft, or vandalism.

If you dislike your car’s smart drive camera, you can deactivate it. It only takes a few minutes and is quite simple.

What is a Smart Drive Camera?

A Smart Drive Camera, also known as a dashcam or dashboard camera, is a device designed to record video and sometimes audio while you’re driving. These cameras are mounted on the dashboard to record the road ahead.

There are various purposes for smart drive cameras accident evidence, security, driver monitoring, and more.

Why Should You Disable a Smart Drive Camera?

To disable a smart drive camera may be a decision based on various factors. Here are some reasons why someone might choose to disable a smart drive camera.

  • Privacy Concerns
  • Employee Trust
  • Power Consumption
  • Maintenance or Technical Issues
  • Cost Considerations
  • Security Concerns
  • Temporary Circumstances

7+ Methods To Disable Smart Drive Camera

smart drive camera

A smart camera may be easily turned off. You can deactivate it by doing specific actions. Let’s start with the broad approach that is commonly used.

There are various methods for turning off smart driving cameras. However, most need you to disassemble your automobile or use an OBD scanner.

Although most cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, these gadgets are inexpensive and can tell you everything you need to know about your car.

We’ll outline some strategies below to make it easier for you to turn off smart driving cameras.

1. Shutting The Camera Off

Find the power supply of the camera. Locate any connections or cables attached to them and unplug or disconnect them to turn them off. This should render the camera unusable!

Remove the smart drive camera. The camera can be hard-wired into your vehicle if no cables are visible. 

Disabling the cameras in this circumstance will be difficult because they are often fixed to metal surfaces with tiny screws.

Cover the device’s lens with a thin piece of black tape. This ensures that no video is recorded when you are not in your vehicle and that your everyday driving experience is not hampered.

2. Disable the DVR

A digital video recorder (DVR) is often utilized to record the smart drive camera. As a result, you can turn off the camera by simply unplugging the DVR. 

The camera facing you can be deactivated by turning off the DVR. You can turn it off by removing your vehicle’s underboard panel. 

Then, identify the Smart Video Recorder, primarily plugged into the power supply, and unplug the connections to turn it off. 

You can also deactivate the DVR by removing any memory card or other storage option, preventing it from saving the photos captured by your camera. 

3. Use GPS Blocker

The majority of driver-facing cameras rely on GPS data to work correctly. A GPS blocker is another option for turning off your smart drive camera. 

It prevents the smart camera from getting GPS signals and thus from capturing images/video or recording on the DVR.

These devices are most likely small and inexpensive. Look for a GPS transmitter that is linked to the DVR. Disconnect the cable/unplug it to turn it off. 

4. Use RF Interferences

RF (radio frequency) gadgets send waves that make it difficult for your camera to communicate with other devices that record or take videos. 

These are excellent choices for turning off/disabling your smart vehicle camera. You can bring an RF gadget closer to the camera, which will disable it. 

You must identify the DVR band frequency to connect with the smart camera. It is usually between 300MHz and 3GHz. You can do this with an RF meter or a scanner. 

Now activate your RF jammer. It must disable smart drive camera; you may verify that no activity is displayed on the camera display. 

5. Use Device Cancellation

A few items are specifically designed to cover the camera lens and prevent the camera from recording. 

These devices are known as lens blocks or camera stoppers. You can mount it on the camera lens of your smart driver.

It will turn off the camera and stop recording anything. Before using the lens blocker, you should be aware of the consequences.

6. Cover the Camera Lens

Covering the camera lens with physical items is another typical approach to disable smart drive cameras. 

You may also cover the lens using tick sticky tape to prevent photos from being taken while driving. 

7. Remove Camera

Finally, uninstall your smart drive camera if you cannot disable it. The camera will be securely fitted to your vehicle. 

You may unscrew it with a screwdriver to keep it from distracting the camera with false notifications.

Final Thoughts,

You may now consider disabling the smart drive camera. 

If you disable your car’s smart drive camera, no one can see or download the film it has taken. 

The best aspect is that switching off recording equipment is simple and takes only a few minutes.